Our Safeguarding Policy:
Our 2024-2025 Safeguarding Policy is available publicly here: HST Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025 This policy will be reviewed in August 2025 (or sooner if relevant guidance is updated before this date).
Our Safeguarding Team:
Home-School Tutoring take safeguarding seriously. Across the UK we do a lot of work with schools and Local Authorities who know our work and the safeguarding expertise that we offer.
Whilst tutoring can sometimes seem as if you tutors are operating individually, it is imperative that tutors see themselves as part of a ‘team around a child’ and we work hard to achieve this ethos. Home-School Tutoring works in partnership with schools, families, and other agencies to support safeguarding and child protection issues. Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults and especially those working or volunteering with children. Home-School Tutoring aims to help protect children by working consistently and appropriately with all agencies, including schools, to promote the welfare of children.
Local Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs): Each area is run by an Area Advisor. All of our Area Advisors are experienced teachers and educationalists. Many have held leadership positions in schools themselves. Our Area Advisors are our local Designated Safeguarding Leads.
National Designated Safeguarding Lead for Home-School Tutoring (Annalise Price-Thomas MA (Oxon), PGCE, TESOL, NPQH): Annalise is Managing Director of Home-School Tutoring UK and an experienced Head Teacher who has worked in Pupil Referral Units and Hospital Schools for many years. Annalise is passionate about ensuring that safeguarding is always a focus. Part of her role is to support Area Advisors in safer recruitment, policies and processes. She also in on the end of the phone or email for any safeguarding concerns or questions raised by Home-School Tutoring Area Advisors. Contact: annalise@homeschooltutoring.co.uk
Home-School Tutoring’s Safeguarding consultant (Jane Bee PGCCP, BSc(Hons)Psych, DipH&SW): Home-School Tutoring is delighted to have Jane Bee as their ongoing consultant and expert when required. Annalise consults with Jane when she has queries or questions. There is an appropriate level of support and challenge to ensure that safeguarding across Home-School Tutoring nationally is the very best is can be. Jane Bee has worked in Safeguarding and Child Protection for 18 years and was the manager for Safeguarding in Education for a large Local Authority in the South West of England. She is experienced in delivering training on all kinds of safeguarding subjects including; DBS checks, Child Protection administration and record-keeping, Allegations Management, FGM, the Prevent agenda (Home Office Accredited), Domestic Abuse, Child Sexual Exploitation and Safeguarding Policies. Jane is an accredited Safer Recruitment trainer (WFDC accredited), also advising on required associated policies such as Acceptable User Policy (use of social media, cameras etc.) the Guide to Safer Working Practice and Consent and Information Sharing. She also chairs the SW Safeguarding in Education Group. Jane has worked managing allegations of abuse against members of staff and volunteers as a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) for 12 years and chaired the SW LADO group for 8 years. She was elected the first National LADO Network Chair in 2016, negotiating with the DfE and Ofsted. We are delighted and honoured to be working with Jane and would highly recommend her to others for training or ongoing consultancy. Jane Bee Safeguarding – Safeguarding with Jane Bee